Fish Market Restaurant
In 1992, a young ambitious man named Alan Voo embarked on a mission to chase his culinary dreams. He started off by learning the roasting technique from a famous Hong Kong roasting master; Master Yan. Alan Voo was always the first to reach the workshop and the last to leave. After some time, Master Yan was impressed with his enthusiasm and willingness to learn. He taught his secret techniques and recipes of scrumptious roast duck and wonton noodles, which further motivated Alan to learn the art. Eventually, Alan Voo traveled to Hong Kong with Master Yan to further his studies in Hong Kong Cuisine professionally.
At Fish Market Restaurant, founded by Alan Voo, we source the finest quality live seafood from local waters to create mouth-watering dishes on our menu. As the first Steam Hot Pot restaurant in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, we are proud to use a unique steam cooking method that preserves the natural flavors of the seafood. When you visit Sabah, be sure to stop by Fish Market Restaurant. We are always ready to serve you delicious hot food and refreshing drinks, along with the finest and warmest hospitality.
Fresh Live Seafood
Masterful Culinary Expertise
Warm and Friendly Hospitality
Perfect for Any Occasion
Our Menu
Get in Touch
Join us at Fish Market Restaurant and let us serve you the finest seafood in Sabah, paired with warm hospitality and refreshing drinks.
A-G-2, Ground Floor, Block A Phae 1, Sutera, Avenue Sembulan, 88100, Sutera Avenue, 88000 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia.